I love celebrations in all shapes and sizes. From my many years as a catering director and event planner I realize that I love the energy and sense of excitement that each event embodies. 



I am a habitual list writer. This comes in handy when keeping track of details, lots of details.

At one point, I was a hopeless Disney-movie-type-romance romantic, but now I have settled into and seen that true love exists in a different form, one that is worth working for and fighting for.

My favorite events are those that are built from the ground up. To see a completely blank canvas transform into something beautiful that fully embodies the reason for the celebration and the love that our couples share is nothing short of amazing to me every time. 



There might be a picture of me next to the dictionary definition of Type A personality. I try to use this to my benefit when helping clients stay on track and organized. On the flip side, I cherish every chance to be creative and do so love to relax on the porch with a full glass of wine.

I consider myself so lucky to spend my days surrounded by love in its truest form as couples pledge to love and support each other unconditionally and work (yes, marriage is hard work!) to continue to remember that love even through tough times ahead. How can I call this work?

We welcome all races, genders, sexualities and religions.
Everyone is invited to the party.

