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Hi, we're Modern Vintage. We love weddings, we love love & we love to sing while we set up. Our favorite part of the day is watching you, as a new couple, walk back down the aisle after the ceremony. That feeling of elation & pure joy is why we do what we do.


Wedding Gift Etiquette

Jul 28

Gift Table, Wedding Inspiration, Gift Registry


If you are getting married, odds are you have been invited to one ,umm twelve, weddings this year. This can turn into a little more than you bargained for, literally.  Today we have some wedding registry tips for gift buying!

Now you are headed out to purchase a gift, if it is for a dear friend this process may be a bit easier than if it is for that third cousin you haven’t seen in forever; you may have some burning questions as to what is appropriate with gift buying and giving.

  • Should I stick with the registry?

From an etiquette standpoint the simple answer is no, you don’t have to. Some of the coolest gifts I received were not on my registry. That being said, if you have a knack for buying creepy clown sculptures or “one of a kind” Swahili warrior figurines you may want to stick with the things they have registered for and you know they will like.

Gift Registry, Modern Vintage Events, Destination Wedding Planner, Zola, Wedding Registry Etiquette, Giving a wedding gift

  • How much should I spend?

This is purely personal. The couple is going to be truly happy you are there celebrating with them and aren’t going to judge you because you sent the $20 wine glasses over the $3000 TV. (We hope!) Use your judgement based on your budget and what you think they would like. You may choose to splurge a bit more if you are really close to the couple.  You could also decide to go in on a larger gift with a group of people or even give them part of an experience.

Wedding Registry, Giving a Gift at a wedding, Destination Wedding Planner, Wedding Planing Tips, Wedding Guest Tips

  • Do I need to buy a gift if I already went to a shower?

This is another one of those personal preferences. Just because you gave a gift at the shower doesn’t automatically mean you have a pass on the wedding gift. If you were one of the purchasers of that riding lawn mower use your judgement and possibly give a much smaller gift.

  • Can I bring a gift to the wedding?

You can! It is more customary in some parts of the country than in others so take this into consideration. Also, every gift you take to the wedding has to be loaded into someone’s car at the end of the night so maybe think twice about bring that TV with you.  If you aren’t taking the gift to the wedding you can mail it directly to them before or even a few weeks after the wedding. Just don’t forget and send it to them a year later…

Wedding Registry, When to give a wedding gift, Destination Wedding Planner, Zola Gift Registry, Wedding Planning Tips

  • Can I just give them cash? (You know dolla dolla bills).

YES. Who doesn’t love a little cold hard cash?  Everyone can appreciate a little money to help get them started as a married couple. This is beneficial no matter what stage and can be used for household items or even for the honeymoon. Cash or check is acceptable and can absolutely be taken to the wedding.

Giving Cash for a wedding gift, Weding Registry, Zola, Destination Wedding Planner, Wedding Planning Tips

  • What if it is the second, or third, or fourth wedding?

If the couple has been married before (and not to each other) it is completely acceptable not to take a gift. Again, gifts are always appreciated! You may consider taking something you know they like like a nice bottle of wine or something a bit more personal rather than an appliance they may already have two of.

  • Do I REALLY need to take a gift?

The short answer is no. A gift is like a tip, always appreciated but not necessary. Giving a gift is a wonderful way to show your support of their marriage and your appreciation of being there to celebrate with them. Don’t feel pressured to give more than you can afford, any token will show them you love and support them. Well maybe not that clown statue…

One of the coolest concepts we have seen for registering is Zola.  It allows couples to add gifts from multiple stores or even set up a cash fund for experiences!

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